Kodály Australia Virtual Summit

Join fellow educators throughout the world for a day of inspiring online presentations, practical workshops and engaging discussions led by internationally renowned leaders.
To Sustain the Vision until we can physically meet again in 2022, Kodály Australia has put together a program which includes Keynote Presentations from Dr Árpád Tóth, Dr Anita Collins and Dr László Norbert Nemes along with workshops and Q and A sessions presented by each state as well as live and recorded presentations from our guest choirs.
Full Program Information is here: http://kodalynationalconference.org.au/program/
The cost for the day is $20 for members and $90 for non Members (including 1 year membership) – Bookings are now open here: https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=645809&
Remember to pass the word around and help us make this day a wonderful day of connection with colleagues! Download a flyer to help you promote this as well!